Master in Sustainable Leadership

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Master in Sustainable Leadership

Do you aspire to be at the forefront of Sustainable Leadership? Acquire the competences to navigate the complexities of sustainability, build the toolbox to implement the right strategies, and communicate all this to stakeholders and society.
The Master in Sustainable Leadership will enable you to drive the sustainability agenda in your organization. It will equip you with the leadership skills, confidence, and mindset to understand and navigate the complexities around sustainability, as well as the tools to design, execute, and lead others in implementing sustainability solutions.

The programme will enable you to:

Create an understanding of the motivation and mindset needed to lead change
Analyze and understand complex sustainability challenges and problem interconnectivity
Lead the design of sustainability solutions
Execute and lead others in the implementation of sustainability solutions

After completing this programme, you are equipped with the leadership skills that enable you to systemically understand and operationalize sustainability, and bring about positive societal impact.

This Master is a collaboration between DTU Learn for Life and Lederne.

Read more about the Master at DTU

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Why take a Master in Sustainable Leadership?

Solving sustainable change is complex and full of trade-offs. There is a pressing need for future leaders to have an embedded sustainability mindset to be able to solve complex sustainability challenges.

The Master in Sustainable Leadership is a journey of personal and professional transformation. You are investing in both your and your company’s ability to drive sustainability solutions, as well as your own inner development skills to leverage this knowledge, lead others, and bring about positive change.

"Every time I return from the program, I experience that that tools we have learned are very useful in relation to my job.  I would recommend the Master if you want to deep dive into the sustainability agenda – and it is important that you have the mandate to make an internal change in your organization”

The programme's main learning goals


Programme structure

Our curriculum gives you a solid foundation of practical business skills and experience combined with applying knowledge in the real world. Teaching formats include case discussions, immersive team simulations, introspective exercises and feedback, real-world projects and group assignments, and study tours.

The programme is divided into four semesters and begins at the end of August each year. The first class started in August 2022.

Program struktur

Personalized for your career and work challenges

The Master in Sustainable Leadership follows an ‘Immersive Learning’ approach, throughout the programme. This means that all your assignments and cases are focused not only on enhancing your knowledge but also on having a direct and positive impact on a real-world challenge. And can, in a large part, be implemented in your daily work life from day one.

Immersive Learning in Each Course

Each course is grounded in real-world challenges, meaning you will learn academic content in a practical context. This can take several forms, including:

  • Simulations of sustainability challenges within real companies or contexts
  • Sessions in a non-classroom environment
  • Projects within your own company
  • Projects with a partner organization
  • Study trips to local, Nordic, or global partners
Immersive Learning Project

You will work on an Immersive Learning Project which corresponds to a master’s thesis. Unlike traditional degree programmes which typically include a thesis project in the end, you will work on your project throughout the entire duration of the programme. Every course links to the next step that you will take in your Immersive Learning Project, which will be a sustainability-related project preferably within your host organization. The aim is for your project to be successfully implemented within your organization by the end of the programme, so that you are already creating tangible impact.

Personal Leadership Development

As you move through courses and the Immersive Learning Project, you will develop your personal leadership capacity through a Personal Leadership Development plan. This includes intentionally practicing skills, such as facilitation and coaching, as part of each course. It also includes identifying when you are or can be using leading tools in your daily work and life, so that your skill development is immersed in your everyday. 

Class profil

The Master in Sustainable Leadership is designed for leaders and future leaders who wants to be at the forefront of sustainable solutions. This includes:

  • Early career executives in private, public, and non-profit sectors alike, determined to solve sustainability challenges in their organizations
  • Technology driven entrepreneurs seeking to strengthen their understanding of complex problem solving and operationalizing sustainability
  • Intrapreneurs aspiring to lead sustainability transition within their organizations
  • Leaders aspiring to gain a holistic and multidisciplinary understanding of sustainability in global business

The Master in Sustainable Leadership aims for a diverse group of participants across sector (private, public, nonprofit), industry, size of organization, and demographics (cultural background, age, and gender). As sustainability is multidisciplinary and complex in nature, it is essential that leaders know how to lead in different societal and cultural contexts, with people from various backgrounds.

Blending knowledge and practice

In order to achieve this innovative goal, the Master in Sustainable Leadership is bringing together a multi-disciplinary learning ecosystem led by two internationally experienced sustainability experts in their own fields, who have joined forces to create an entirely new programme format: Academic Director Dr. Salla Laasonen and Director of Practice Jackie Stenson.

The aim of the new programme is to deliver not only science-based high quality education, but also tangible societal impact. That is what makes the new programme innovative in its design, as it builds on two equally strong pillars: academic excellence and impact.

Lifelong network within a professional community

Working together intensively over 21 months creates safe and trusting relationships. You will be part of a network of inspiring classmates with whom you speak the same language, know well from having lived challenging times, and trust to help you with honest opinions and contacts.

The participants will automatically be members of the Alumni Association when they start the Master in Sustainable Leadership programme. The purpose of joining the association is to maintain and expand the close personal relationships established during the course of the programme. This also enlarges each participant’s professional network because it unites members of all classes through course-related activities and discussions on the association’s online platform and LinkedIn group. The alumni association offers year-round events and activities to foster lifelong learning in the areas of leadership, innovation, technology and sustainability, and connection between alumni and external experts.

Admission, practicalities, and finance


The academic requirement for joining the DTU Master in Sustainable Leadership programme is that you must have the scope to lead, implement, and/or execute sustainability within your organization, and either experience in sustainability, experience in leadership, or both. You must also have a bachelor or professional bachelor degree in any natural or social science discipline, as well as three to five years of experience. It may be possible to meet some requirements through an individual competency assessment. The admission process typically starts with an informal discussion of the programme, and the candidate’s needs and constraints. Once the candidate submits the application, an admission interview is scheduled with the Programme Directors.


The tuition fee for Master in Sustainable Leadership is DKK 190,000 excl. VAT.

The fee includes live cases, networking events and catering, and all materials. Travel costs for study trips are not included. The cost of the programme can be covered by you, your company, or you can arrange to split the cost between both parties. Substantial cost savings can be gained by applying for the Gross Income Tax Credit (bruttolønsordning). For further information, please go to

Do you have questions or do you wish to register for the programme? Please send an e-mail to the Programme Directors Salla Laasonen, or Jackie Stenson,

Do you have any questions?

Salla Laasonen

Salla Laasonen

Academic Director

Phone: 4525 4525