Vil du deltage i et bachelorprojekt på SIMAC?

To af vores studerende medlemmer har gang i et spændene bachelorprojekt, som bakkes op af søfartens velfærds- og arbejdsmiljøråd SeaHealth. Vi har derfor sagt ja til at bidrage til projektet, og håber I vil gøre det samme. Nedenfor er et par ord om de studerende, deres projekt og et link til at svare på deres spørgsmål.

20. september 2019

We are two Master Mariner students attending our final semester at SIMAC in Svendborg, Denmark. We are currently writing our bachelor thesis and are therefore seeking data we can analyze through a questionnaire. The subject of our bachelor thesis is how self-tracking through smartwatches can contribute to prevent fatigue amongst seafarers. Therefore, we would like to ask you to answer our questionnaire about the topic and help us gather data for our analysis. The questions will focus on stress, sleep, fatigue, self-tracking of biometrics, smartwatch implementation & usage.

The questionnaire is anonymous and takes approx. 5-15 min to complete.

We hope for your participation and wish you all the best.

Link til spørgeskema