Nordic Navigators to advocate for improved maritime safety in the Arctic

At a joint meeting of the Nordic navigator unions (Nordic Navigators), the six organisations agreed on developing specific policy goals to create a safer Arctic maritime space. 


29. september 2022

“Traffic continues to increase in the Arctic, but the safety requirements and support has not kept up. We all agree that this could spell trouble for the environment, for our members and passengers of ships in the Arctic, and we must work jointly to remedy the situation,” says Hans Sande (Norway), who was elected new president of the group for the coming two years. 

The changing climate, with longer summers and less ice, is likely to lead to further increase in traffic over the coming years. 
Compounding the issue is the geopolitical climate, where Russia, with its significant Arctic presence, has been left out in the cold due to the invasion of Ukraine. This political situation is likely to hinder agreements on key Arctic issues, such as environment and safety. 

Seeking partners

The initiative for the Nordic Navigators to work jointly on Arctic safety was proposed by Danish Maritime Officers (DMO), which is also heading the policy development. 

“We will look at how the Polar Code is implemented in our respective countries and take into account initiatives on Arctic safety already developed by other maritime stakeholders, such as the Norwegian SARINOR project, among others, with the aim of developing specific policy goals and seek out partners within the maritime industry who share our concerns about Arctic maritime safety,” says Jens Marquard Sørensen, president of DMO.

The proposal includes improvements of the necessary of survival equipment and clearly defined zones where each country has responsibility for safety and search and rescue. Further, implementation and monitoring of existing regulations are important aspects to be considered.

The outcomes of the work will be presented to the Nordic maritime authorities at a joint meeting in Copenhagen in January 2023. 

The biannual meeting of the Nordic Navigators was held in Iceland in late August. 

The Nordic Navigators consist of Lederne Søfart (Danmark), Norsk Sjøoffisersforbund (Norway), Félag Skipstjórnarmanna (Iceland), Føroya Skipara - & Navigatørfelag (Faroe Islands), Finlands Skeppsbefälsförbund (Finland) and Sjöbefälsforeningen (Sweden). 

Read full: Joint Declaration of Intention by the Nordic Navigators on Improved Maritime Safety in the Arctic